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KRYPTA logo with the Smirking Sphinx Calvin making zines

Welcome to K•R•Y•P•T•A!

This is the webzone for the print zine K•R•Y•P•T•A and related projects.

K•R•Y•P•T•A is the flagship title of the zines I make.


In the middle of making Flame Prïncess Cult (see below) and general COVID brainmelt, I started K•R•Y•P•T•A as an outlet for various pseudo-literary nonsense.

The first issue was published in October 2020.

The second issue came out in the middle of 2021.

Issues 3-12 were all published in 2022.

Issues 13 and 14 both came out in January 2023, while numbers 15 and 16 were published in February 2023. March 2023 was a period of wild zine activity for me, resulting in issues #17 through #24! Issues 25-27 came out in April 2023, while 28 & 29 were published in May 2023, and 30-33 in June 2023. Starting with Krypta #34 and #35 in July 2023, the zine features the improved version of logo. (Issue #13 was an early atempt.) Issues 36-40 were all completed in August 2023, issues 41-45 in September 2023, and 46-48 in October 2023. Issue #49 came out at the start of December 2023 (just in time for Philly Zine Fest).

Issue #50 was finished at the end of February 2024. Issues 51 and 52 were completed in early April 2024 for the Lancaster Zine Fest, while #53, #54, and #55 came out in April, May, and June 2024 respectively.

Covers of Issues 1-6 of KRYPTA
Cover of issues 7 & 8 of KRYPTACover of KRYPTA issue 9Cover of the tenth issue of KryptaCover of Krypta 11cover of Krypta 12cover of Krypta 13cover of Krypta 14cover of Krypta 15cover of Krypta 16cover of Krypta 17cover of Krypta 18cover of Krypta 19cover of Krypta 20cover of Krypta 21cover of Krypta 22cover of Krypta 23cover of Krypta 24cover of Krypta 25cover of Krypta 26cover of Krypta 27cover of Krypta 28cover of Krypta 29cover of Krypta 30cover of Krypta 31cover of Krypta 32cover of Krypta 33cover of Krypta 34cover of Krypta 35cover of Krypta 36cover of Krypta 37cover of Krypta 38cover of Krypta 39cover of Krypta 40cover of Krypta 41cover of Krypta 42cover of Krypta 43cover of Krypta 44cover of Krypta 45cover of Krypta 46cover of Krypta 47cover of Krypta 48cover of Krypta 49cover of Krypta 50cover of Krypta 51cover of Krypta 52cover of Krypta 53cover of Krypta 54cover of Krypta 55

Note 1: Issue #13 looks different from the rest because it is a scan rather than a pre-print graphic. Since I used my cool new sphinx rubber stamp to finish the cover, I couldn't show a pristine webversion of the cover.

Note 2: Issue #19 reviews a bunch of zines. This page tells you how to get some of them.

Note 3: And now here's a goofy little monster from the old computer game Ultima IV: An enigmatic zorn.

Note 4: Despite the cover art, issue #33 has nothing to do with Doctor Who.

Note 5: Issue #45 is rotated 90 degrees compared to the standard booklet. It is stapled on the top.

Abai Geser

This is my newest ongoing project. Back around the year 2000 scholar and shaman Sarangerel Odigon published on the web her English translation of the Abai Geser, a version of the Mongolian/Turkic epic poem also called the King Gesar. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2006 and, as far as I have been able to determine, her translation never made it into print. This zine is meant to memorialize her work translating the famous folk poem as known to the Buryat people of Siberia. The first two issues came out in July 2023, with 3 more in August 2023 and 3 in September 2023. Issue #10 was published in April 2024. #11 and #12 came out in May 2024. Issue #13 is new as of June 2024. The handful of additional issues needed to tell this relatively short version of the adventures of Geser are all in various stages of layout.

Cover of Abai Geser 1.Cover of Abai Geser 2.Cover of Abai Geser 3.Cover of Abai Geser 4.Cover of Abai Geser 5.Cover of Abai Geser 6.Cover of Abai Geser 7.Cover of Abai Geser 8.Cover of Abai Geser 9.Cover of Abai Geser 10.Cover of Abai Geser 11.Cover of Abai Geser 12.Cover of Abai Geser 13.


A smaller project is sonnetzine a minizine of the classic one-sheet-of-printer-paper-folded-into-8-pages format. Each sonnetzine features one sonnet I like. So far I've made three issues. I've also made other zines in this format.

Covers of sonnetzines1-3.


DiLLHONKER was personal zine/memoir in which I tried to reflect on my own life to figure out why I am such a damn weirdo. The first four issues were published in June, July, September, and October 2022. Issue #5 came out January 2023. I think I'm done making this one now.

Covers of DiLLHONKER issues 1-4cover of DiLLHONKER #5

Clay Jar Materials

Clay Jar Materials is a sort of self-investigation into my journaling practices that I released at 2022 Philly Zine Fest.

Cover of Clay Jar Materials

Annæ Reginæ

My first zine was Annæ Reginæ, which ran 2 issues in the early 00's. It focused on reprinting random weird stuff I found on the internet.

Scanned covers of issues 1 and 2 of Annæ Reginæ


Around the same period as Annæ Reginæ I made a lot of one-off things that I generally called booklets and not zines. My next intentionl attempt at a zine as such was phasic, a fanzine for the world's second greatest tabletop roleplaying game, Encounter Critical. I produced a single, one sheet/two page issue. Another fan got sick of waiting around for me to make another and has produced four more issues, with maybe a fifth on the way.

Cover of phasic #1

Flame Prïncess Cult

Back in 2020 I edited a roleplaying zine called Flame Prïncess Cult, a fanzine for the weird horror game Lamentations of the Flame Princess. This is the only zine I've done where I have solicited submissions from others. You can download your own copies here. NOTE: Some folks think that LotFP is trash and the people who play it are unrepentant degenerates. If that's your opinion, you may want to find another webzone to visit.

Covers of issues 1-6 of Flame Prïncess Cult

I talk more about my involvement with rpg zines on my Gamezines page.

See a zine that calls to you? Here's how to order!

Catch me on Instagram or Mastodon!

RAWR!RAWR! I'm a bear! Oh no! It's a bear!